Thursday, February 22, 2024

How to Get the most out of Small Spaces!

We all struggle with finding places to store and display our belongings. Do you ever get the feeling you own 12 things and have only ten spots? I go through this daily!

As an artist working from home, I have had to come up with some very creative ways to maximize my small space. I have a 742 square foot home, and I work from that space and store all my art stuff which adds up in a hurrry! I found ways to keep my space clutter free, well organized, and aesthetically pleasing, and I want to share these tips and tricks with you. I'll write specific blogs that focus on one area at a time, and I hope you find them as useful as I did! The concepts can be applied to any size living area from a van, to a larger home. Take what you can, and you can leave the rest! I look forward to helping you find new and better ways to make your home your own in cost effective and satisfying ways! If you have any requests on what areas you'd like to see me focus on, leave them in a comment below! I'm always happy to help out and answer all questions! Remember, we don't have to throw out lots of stuff to make our homes organized and beloved, so if you're not a stage five hoarder, this is for you!

Here's a picture of what might be one of the smallest vanity's ever, yet I have a lot of stuff in that small space, all organized, and accessible. I'll talk about that in my next blog!

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